Live Freshwater Aquarium Black Ghost Knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons)(TROP-200)3/PACK-U043
It requires a minimum of a 150 gallon tank with excellent filtration. It is generally timid and reclusive, preferring a fine-gravel-bottom aquarium with plenty of roots and rocks for hiding places, as well as subdued to dark lighting. To better appreciate this fish, many hobbyists will purchase a "ghost tube," a clear plastic tube that facilitates viewing during the day. Once accustomed to its surroundings, the Black Ghost Knifefish can become incredibly tame and trusting to the point of being hand-held. It does well with other, larger species of a peaceful nature, but may be aggressive towards those of similar or smaller size.
Carnivorous, the Black Ghost Knifefish will eat all types of live foods including meat, chopped earthworms, as well as frozen and flaked foods.
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Fish are held, quarantined and shipped from our facility in San Diego, California
We ships hundreds of live fish packages across the USA weekly. We import high quality healthy fish from Thailand and other parts of Asia. We work directly with the breeders to bring the best quality to you.