Live Fish African Cichlid Electric Blue Hap (Sciaenochromis Ahli)(CHD-124)
Electric Blue Hap Cichlid (Sciaenochromis Ahli)\
The Electric Blue Hap has the classic stocky and elongated Cichlid body. Their size at 6" inches makes them an easy addition to most African Cichlid Communities. The best Aquascape for these electrifyingly beautiful fish, would be a lot of caves and crevices and medium coarse rocky substrate. The Rocky substrate will help prevent the large rocks from falling over into the glass after they dig holes around them.
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Healthy and Happy Fish
Fish are held, quarantined and shipped from our facility in San Diego, California
We ships hundreds of live fish packages across the USA weekly. We import high quality healthy fish from Thailand and other parts of Asia. We work directly with the breeders to bring the best quality to you.